Upper Connecticut River

Upper Connecticut River

Travel back in time 200 years, when the mighty Connecticut ran free and clear, and massive brook trout swam throughout a system unfettered by dams and unspoiled by industry. Walk along scenic mountain streams and, in your mind, cast to rising brookies in water so cold and clear you’d consider drinking it yourself. It’s a brilliant past, and while returning to it may never be fully attainable, it’s not out of the realm of possibility to imagine a Connecticut River that once again hosts big brook trout and the chance to catch them.

Trout Unlimited is working in the Connecticut system—the largest watershed in New England—to restore critical habitat in the river’s tributaries and reconnect streams that have been fragmented by culverts, stream crossings and historic damage from logging. What’s more, we’re developing the needed partnerships to sustain this effort for years to come. Perhaps one day, the Connecticut will again be a river of legend.

To learn more about this project please visit their website: CLICK HERE

upper CT river