Jim Armbruster, of the Vermont Institute of Natural Science, is State Coordinator for Trout in the Classroom in Vermont (TIC).
He can be reached by e-mail at jarmbruster@vinsweb.org.
Jim Armbruster, of the Vermont Institute of Natural Science, is State Coordinator for Trout in the Classroom in Vermont (TIC).
He can be reached by e-mail at jarmbruster@vinsweb.org.
This is why we plant trees and why one shouldn’t cut trees within 100′ of the bank!
Brook trout also thrive in streams that are complex with a mix of depths, flows and cover. Streamside trees add to this complexity while standing and after they fall into the water. Trees along the bank can be undercut providing cover for trout to hide from predators. Trees that fall into the river can form scour pools which trout prefer, and provide cover for feeding or protection from predators or high flows. Research in Vermont has shown that brook trout abundance can be up to 200% higher in stream reaches with wood jams than in comparable stream reaches without.
No matter how you look at it, brook trout in Vermont grow on trees!
Applications are currently being accepted for the 12th annual Vermont Trout Camp for Teens, sponsored by Trout Unlimited, and well-known industry leaders like Orvis, Cortland Line, LL Bean, & Patagonia. Media depictions of fly fishing regularly tell us that fly fishing is not only the most conservative way to fish, but also the most fun. This program for teens between the ages of 13-16, will be held June 23-27, at the beautiful Quimby Country in Averill, VT.
Full details here http://www.vermonttroutcamp.com
Please also check out our 4 special grand prize raffles on separate websites:
1. Ken Tedford Memorial Delaware River Trip:
2. Lopstick Lodge and Guide Package Trip:
3. Nantucket House 7 day Rental:
4. Vermont Hot Air Balloon Ride for two:
TIC Raffle
The Salmon of the Clyde River, produced and directed by Ian Sweet, was made with the support of the VT TU Council, and produced for Vermont Public Television. It will air this coming winter. Click Here to Watch It
This email/page has all the info on the upcoming Battenkill Watershed Spawning Survey. Please help us share this. We are VERY excited about this DIY citizen science project. Anyone with a cell phone or a pencil can help look for redds!
Click for full detailsClick for full details
We are transferring the original Vermont Trout in the Classroom to the Council website… Click Here to Check it OutClick Here to Check it Out