3rd Annual Women’s Introduction to Fly Fishing

The event fills up quickly and its 1st come 1st served for this weekend.
We’ll be instructing about gear, entomology(bugs!), and proper fish handling. There’s also do an intro to knots and tying on your own flies and go course fly casting instructions. All of this and fishing on Forest Lake for brookies and brown trout! Forest Lake is perhaps the biggest draw at Quimby Country, offering some of Vermont’s best fly fishing. The Lake offers a remote setting that anglers appreciate as much for its quiet sense of solitude as for its wonderful fishing!
2024 Women’s Intro to Fly Fishing Clinic
MadDog Trout Unlimited 
May 18-19, 2024
8:00 – 8:30am ~ Arrival. Coffee/Tea, Muffins, Yogurt, Fruit.
8:30am ~ Welcome and Introductions
10:30am ~ 15 minute break.
10:45am ~ Intro to knots and tying on your own flies.
1:00pm ~ Casting instructions.
2:00pm ~ Lets go fishing!
5:30pm ~ DINNER
6:30pm ~ Conservation
7:00pm ~ Back to the pond for evening fishing.
7:00am ~ Breakfast and time for questions and individual instruction
8:00am ~ Let go fishing!



Wood is Good!

Wood is Good and Mess is best for Vermont trout!

Check out these videos from Vermont Fish and Wildlife.

This is why we plant trees and why one shouldn’t cut trees within 100′ of the bank!

Brook trout also thrive in streams that are complex with a mix of depths, flows and cover. Streamside trees add to this complexity while standing and after they fall into the water. Trees along the bank can be undercut providing cover for trout to hide from predators. Trees that fall into the river can form scour pools which trout prefer, and provide cover for feeding or protection from predators or high flows. Research in Vermont has shown that brook trout abundance can be up to 200% higher in stream reaches with wood jams than in comparable stream reaches without.

No matter how you look at it, brook trout in Vermont grow on trees!


2024 VT TU Teens Trout Camp

Applications are currently being accepted for the 12th annual Vermont Trout Camp for Teens, sponsored by Trout Unlimited, and well-known industry leaders like Orvis, Cortland Line, LL Bean, & Patagonia. Media depictions of fly fishing regularly tell us that fly fishing is not only the most conservative way to fish, but also the most fun. This program for teens between the ages of 13-16, will be held June 23-27, at the beautiful Quimby Country in Averill, VT.

Full details here http://www.vermonttroutcamp.com

TIC Raffle

TIC Raffle

When a generous and thoughtful friend donated a new Orvis Recon rod (8’6″ 5-weight) and matching Access Mid-Arbor reel, our TIC volunteers decided to raffle them off for the benefit of Vermont’s Trout in the Classroom program. (There will be one winner, who will receive both the rod and the reel, two items valued at $753.) This will allow us to buy equipment for teachers wanting to join the program who would otherwise not have the financial resources needed to purchase the needed materials. Every year, more schools want to initiate TIC, but we often don’t have the capacity to help them get started. This could fix that!
The raffle will go live at 12:01 am tomorrow, 11/28, the day before Giving Tuesday, and remain open until midnight on 12/24.
Please buy tickets yourselves. Please also send the link below to your chapter members and others you think might be willing to support Trout in the Classroom. You know what a terrific program it is and how it benefits students.
Here is the link to the raffle: