Flushable materials and septic systems byKris Stepenuck to member organizations of Watersheds United Vermont

Flushable materials and septic systems byKris Stepenuck to member organizations of Watersheds United Vermont
As we work to #flattenthecurve of the COVID-19 spread, many people have turned to using disposable disinfectant wipes. Whether your home is connected to a community wastewater system or to a septic system, these wipes are NOT made to be flushed (nor are baby wipes or toilet paper alternatives). When these items are flushed, they cause clogged sewer pipes. This can result in sewage system back ups, sewage in your home, and damage to community wastewater or home septic systems that can be costly to repair. This is true even for products that claim to be “flushable.” 
To protect your home septic system or community wastewater system, dispose of ALL disinfectant wipes in your trash or rubbish. 
Please spread the word to help keep wipes out of pipes.
#keepwipesfrompipes #nowipesinpipes #sewer #septic #dontflushthemdown #sewage 

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